Mama's Musings

Seasonal Fun: Autumn

Apr 05, 2020



Harvest your bounty and dry some seeds to plant in the Spring.  Children can draw on the labels and sort seeds into tiny containers or packets.  Their small fingers crunch dry pods as they discover nature’s treasures.



The colourful autumn leaves hold the last rays of summer sunshine.  Use these leaves for making prints with paint in hues of yellow, orange, red and brown.  You can also try fabric paint on calico for bags, cushion covers or wall-hangings.

Collect a basket of nuts, seeds and twigs to create mobiles, critters, puppets, collages on boxes and other items.  Playing with nature’s gifts will inspire you to their varied uses. 

Interesting effects can be created using these items and autumn leaves to create imprints or patterns in clay.  Roll clay into a 5-10mm sheet.  Create imprints and cut them out using a plastic knife.  Pierce holes if required.  Dry slowly by covering creations...


Gardening With Children

Apr 04, 2020

A garden is a place to play, learn, explore, work, relax and connect with nature and each other. Supervised babies and toddlers usually enjoy time touching and eating things in the garden. Talk about your surroundings as you show them things. Being outdoors provides health benefits and promotes calm, and growing some of your own food is the ultimate way to interact with the earth. Gardening is dirty work, though, so avoid any fuss about mess by wearing appropriate clothing for the job.

Preschoolers are often enthusiastic gardeners. The magic of propagating seeds appeals to their sense of wonder. They are usually eager to help – especially if moving dirt, using water or harvesting are the tasks at hand! Working together, they will soon learn how to grow their own plants and care for these themselves. Edible gardens often inspire picky eaters to try a wider variety of foods.

Life cycles, cacti, bonsai, cooking, craft, and wild creatures will fascinate many older children. They...


Homeschooling: Whatโ€™s it really like?

Apr 02, 2020

Homeschooling mum of seven, Belinda Moore, describes what a homeschooling lifestyle is really like.

Over twenty years ago I first heard about homeschooling. It was in the days before home internet connection, so all I had at first was a phone number of a Christian curriculum supplier in another state. From there I found the nearest contact person, who lived about 250km away from me.  From there I made another phone call and we received a newsletter in the mail full of personal stories, drawings, articles and inspiration. All the while I was thinking that this wasn’t the path for us, but as a parent and educator, I was intrigued.

Time passed and more snippets of homeschooling information and serendipitous contacts came into our lives. We managed to visit with the homeschoolers 250km away - and that sealed it! Theirs was a lifestyle we longed for; time with our children, free of the constraints of an education system we weren’t confident in, learning from...

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