Mama's Musings

Citizen Science: A Hands-On Approach to Learning

Sep 07, 2024

By integrating citizen science into your lives, you'll not only nurture a passion for learning but also contribute to vital research that benefits us all. Happy exploring!

As home educating and unschooling families, we have the unique opportunity to create a rich, diverse learning environment that goes beyond textbooks. One fantastic way to make learning engaging and meaningful is through citizen science. This collaborative approach allows everyday people, including homeschoolers, to contribute to real scientific research. It's a hands-on way to learn about the natural world, develop critical thinking skills, and participate in a community that values curiosity and discovery.

Citizen science involves public participation in scientific research. From collecting data on local wildlife to analyzing climate change trends, citizen scientists help professional researchers gather valuable information. This collaborative effort enhances scientific knowledge and often leads to...


Fabulous Fungi!

Sep 05, 2024

We love fungi!  Eating fungi, growing fungi, photographing fungi and learning about it!

This great little pack of ten resources (above) from Twinkl is just one of many resources they offer for learning about Fungi.  What a great starting point for a journey into mycology - thanks Twinkl!


Noongar Seasons

Mar 15, 2024

This is a great Twinkl resource looking at Noongar seasons.  We're heading to WA soon, and I always like to know about the First Nations people of places I visit, so I found this to share with Zeah.

The resources explore the Noongar seasons and how they relate to the months of the year. The pack includes a PowerPoint, poster and worksheet.

There are other Noongar resources on Twinkl and online in other spaces, and loads of wonderful First Nations resources to share with children to learn about the place we live in, and the places we visit.


2024 Summit Begins!

Mar 04, 2024

The 2024 Australian Homeschooling Summit starts today.  Just a friendly reminder because I think it's very much worth attending.  See you there?



Homeschooling Methods

Feb 23, 2024

When embarking on the journey of homeschooling, parents have the unique opportunity to tailor their children's education to their individual needs and learning styles. One of the key aspects to consider is the wide array of teaching methods available. Understanding different teaching methods can help parents create engaging and effective lessons that cater to their child's learning preferences. In this subchapter, we will explore various teaching methods commonly used in homeschooling, providing parents with valuable insights and strategies to enhance their homeschooling experience.

1. Traditional Teaching: This method follows a structured curriculum and textbook-based learning. It focuses on teacher-led instruction and emphasises memorisation and repetition. Parents can choose pre-packaged curricula or customise their own to suit their child's needs.

2. Montessori Method: Developed by Maria Montessori, this approach encourages hands-on learning, self-directed activities, and...


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