Mama's Musings

Ultimate Homeschooling Bundle Flash Sale!

Feb 03, 2021

From TODAY the 2020 Ultimate Homeschooling Bundle, which I shared a bit about last year, is having a FLASH sale for 2 days only. It's not normally available (the bundles are only released for a short period). So, this is a rare second chance to access all 51 workshops, downloads, ebooks, summits, courses, printable resources, curriculum products and MORE again for only $29.50.

I've been slowly working through a lot of the bundle contents relevant to me (about two-thirds of what's included) over recent months. I really like that I can take my time with it all!  One of my favourites is a lovely course by Jean from Art of Homeschooling. If you're interested, go here to find out more and SAVE 97%. (afflink)


Learning About: Time

Jan 30, 2021

Because we have a little one of school age now, I thought I'll try to share a series of regular blog posts showing some things we're learning about.  Perhaps some of the resources and activities we do will help inspire other families.

Zeah is very interested in Time at the moment.  She has asked for a watch for her fifth birthday, and is often asking questions relating to the concept of time.

TIP: Place a standard analogue clock in a living/playing area of your home, and refer to it often, eg: "It's nearly 2 o'clock, we need to get ready for swimming now."

This past week, we started doing some activities and we read a book to support her interest.  Here are some of the items we've used...

These rainbow timers from Junior Learning measure 1, 2 and 5 minutes and assisted with estimating and comparison of how long different things take at at our place.  I got them online for about $10 last year. 

This book, Just a Second by Steve Jenkins has beautiful...


Australian Homeschooling Summit 2021 Tickets Available!

Jan 25, 2021

I've just finished preparing my workshop for the 2021 Australian Homeschooling Summit! And today Kelly has released the list of over 35 workshops available this year! AND tickets are available too! Check it out here.

Just $29 for access to 30+ hours of content, a whole bunch of downloads including workbooks and other freebies and discounts, downloadable mp3s and video files, and access to a private group to get advice directly from the experts, share with other attendees, and to get bonus live sessions and resources. It's on soon - 15-26 February!

My workshop on homeschool planning & organising (with your kids) is on the 24th at 11am Queensland time, and includes a mega-bundle of free printable resources!

Don't forget there's also an AHS2021 ticket giveaway happening until the 29th here.

See you at the Summit! 

Please note that these are affiliate links because I am a presenter.  From tickets purchased through my links I receive a percentage which pays me for my time...


Resource Review: My Creative Box

Jan 06, 2021

Zeah got a couple of craft kits for Christmas from My Creative Box. The boxes contain several activities each, and everything needed to do each one. The packaging is all compostable/recyclable and there seems to be minimal waste in the one we've started (Oceans).

Some activities I need to help her with, others she can do alone once I set it up (she's 4). Overall, this is a great Aussie business encouraging learning and creativity!  The Oceans box has inspired informal themed learning for Zeah over the past couple of weeks.

If you want to try these, here's a $10 off voucher.

We were lucky to visit the Cairns Aquarium and the beach over our Summer Holiday, so Zeah has been doing the Ocean-themed Creative Box activities, watching Octonauts and Nemo, and generally immersing herself in all things marine!


A New Year!

Jan 01, 2021

I absolutely LOVE a new year! I love, love, love the feeling of a fresh start, a clean slate, a new plan, a fresh diary/planner, new systems, decluttering - you name it, I'm a January fan!

Keen to get organised for 2021? Take advantage of my $7 mini-course. It's 7 days of planning, 30+ pages of printables and you can use it year after year. It's great for beginners and those with teens, and it's available HERE. Enjoy!



Friday Freebie: Avoiding Burnout

Dec 04, 2020

I've just completed a workbook I started this time last year!  I sense a theme...  I'm thinking about the overwhelm as our year comes to an end (and oh my - what a year)!

Without proper support it can feel almost impossible to nurture your family relationships and maintain a home based learning journey long-term.  

To access this FREE 20 page printable workbook, click on the cover, below, and enjoy!


Seasonal Fun: Summer

Dec 01, 2020

Sun-kissed faces and sunset races,
Sand between your toes…
Memorable picnics underneath
A tree laden with mangoes.


Grow sunflowers planted in a circle with an opening as a doorway, or tents made with climbing beans… A living place to play! Flowers and vegetables like nasturtiums, cherry tomatoes and purple beans to pick and eat while outdoors. Make daisy or dandelion chains and mini fairy gardens.

Water Play:

Use the bath tub or paddle pool with bark, walnut or seed pod boats. Explore science with hoses, funnels, cups, coloured water and float or sink fun. In a bucket or tub wash dolls clothes and blankets or dress-up items and dry them in the sun. If you have a sandpit, recreate the beach with water, twigs and shells. Imaginative play has endless possibilities and water will entertain most children for most of a long, hot afternoon…


Seashell windchimes using driftwood, sew buttons onto hats or dye them bright colours, watercolour painting, pinwheels,...


Nature Craft for Kids

Oct 20, 2020

I appreciate art & craft for kids inspired by nature, using natural and recycled ingredients. I prefer my children not be exposed to art & craft products which contain ingredients they shouldn’t be putting on their skin (or in their mouths, as they do!). I don’t want to add to landfill once the fun is over, so ideally what we consume when being creative will return to the Earth.

We don’t need to buy expensive natural kits or products to choose nature craft. Instead of looking in a discount store at the over-packaged foam, plastic and glitter items, head outdoors to find treasures you can use.

There are books in the library, and many websites dedicated to creating from nature, but it’s great to be inspired by the items you find, and your child’s imagination. Ephemeral art is a creation that happens once, not with the intention of creating something to keep. It might be a mandala created from leaves during a picnic, or a funny face made from...


Friday Freebie: Garden Time!

Sep 25, 2020

Phew!  I've been a bit quiet on the blog while I tackle my first full-time semester of uni in over 25 years!  It's been a great big learning journey.  I have just a few weeks to go before a long summer break.

When I'm not at my desk working or studying, I'm trying to pop out to my garden regularly, because it's so calming for my mind.  And harvesting great big bowlfuls of produce is also appealing...  we have snowpeas, shelling peas, a couple of varieties of green beans, some broccoli, tons of leafy greens - Asian greens, lettuces, kale, spinaches, several edible flowers, gooseberries, mulberries, black sapote, chokos, lemons and lots of herbs in abundance right now.  The chickens are also laying, and two hens had chicks recently.  So life on the farm feels great!

To read some of my writing about gardening, go here.

Zeah and I did a Wild Weed Walk the other weekend.  We both loved it!  I used to take my bigger kids to lots of...


Friday Freebie: Book Report Resources

Sep 04, 2020

The freebie for today is one of the files from my Resources page - a book review template.

Interested in reading more about including book reviews in your home ed journey?  Interested in a TON more homeschool freebies?  Check out this collection by Sarah Shelton on the Homeschool Giveaways and Freebies site!



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