Mama's Musings

Powerful Planning Video

Oct 19, 2023

Last month I was a guest at The Sweet Society to talk with Kylie about Powerful Planning.  We discussed the big picture, what worked and what didn't, how I made a commitment to my kids and got them to make a commitment to me - in learning, large families vs one child, collaborating with other families, and SO much more!  You can check out the replay here.


Wet Weather Fun for Kids!

Oct 15, 2023

This post is an article originally published in What's On Tablelands magazine in 2021.  It refers to places on the Atherton Tablelands, but it also has many general ideas for what do to when the rain doesn't stop.  Because we've had over 3 metres of rain this year, and it hasn't stopped yet, I decided to publish this for families like ours who have had many more wet weeks than dry ones!


Go outside into the rain and mud. Have a plan to clean the kids up (or strip them off) and transfer them to the bath/shower, and then have a towel and warm clothes waiting! Depends where you are, the temperature, and how old the kids are, a run in the rain can be done in undies or togs, or wearing a raincoat and gumboots. Whatever they wear, make sure it’s okay for them to get wet & muddy. This approach is messy, but worth it!

Wet weather outings – wear appropriate clothes and shoes and head outdoors to experience nature. There are raging rivers & waterfalls,...


Simple Tie Dye

Oct 13, 2023

We had some lumpy fabric paint to use up, so I mixed it with water to tie dye shirts... The kids simply twisted and wrapped with rubber bands, sploshed the watery paint on, worked it in, unravelled the bands, set the shirts in the sun to dry, I ironed them to set paint, rinsed them with water and vinegar, then washed as normal. They are soft like dyed shirts (not stiff), and each one was different. Quick results, but a pretty messy activity!



Mental Health

Oct 11, 2023

This month I'm walking 100km to raise money for a Mental Health service provider I refer to regularly at work.  The Black Dog Institute has wonderful free information, self-tests, apps, webinars and more.  They can help guide people to access the support they need, when they need it, and that includes ongoing support for better mental wellbeing long-term.  My fundraiser is here.  I'm also helping my colleagues with mental health events for Queensland Mental Health Week at work, which is an interesting process as I'm learning what services are available.  During my Mental Health First Aid training, and my current Diploma of Community Services I've been alarmed by the statistics around mental health and suicide.  I'm also aware that mental health issues affect a large proportion of the service users where I work, and that a person's mental health can affect employment, economic security, social connection, physical wellbeing, and almost all...


The Homeschool Budget

Oct 11, 2023

Wondering how you'll afford to homeschool? I have a simple worksheet you might like - something to start conversations and get you thinking about the real costs of homeschooling, and the alternatives. Head here! 


Using Instagram to Document your Homeschool Journey

Oct 09, 2023

Using Instagram to record homeschooling can be a creative and effective way to document your homeschooling journey and share it with others. Here are some steps and tips for using Instagram for homeschooling.  Some of them are only relevant if you want to build a following.  It's also fine to have a private Instagram account and just use it for your personal record-keeping and/or share it with family members.

Create a Homeschooling Instagram Account: If you don't already have an Instagram account, create one specifically for your homeschooling content. Choose a username that reflects your homeschooling focus.  Ours is

Set Up Your Profile: Write a brief bio that explains your homeschooling approach, goals, and any other relevant information. Add a profile picture, and if comfortable, use a family photo or an image that represents your homeschool. You could make a little logo for your homeschool, if you like!  Canva is a great...


Nature Walks

Oct 05, 2023

Nature walks for homeschooled children can be a valuable and enriching educational experience.  They are one of our favourite things to do as a family!  These walks can serve as a hands-on, outdoor extension of their curriculum and offer a wide range of benefits for their learning and development. Here are some considerations for nature walks specifically designed for homeschooled children...

Learning Opportunities: Nature walks can be integrated into various subjects, such as biology, ecology, botany, geology, and environmental science. Parents or educators can use these walks to teach children about the natural world, including identifying plants, animals, rocks, and more.

Hands-On Science: Nature walks provide an excellent opportunity for children to engage in hands-on scientific exploration. They can collect specimens, observe wildlife behavior, and conduct simple experiments related to their surroundings.

Nature Journals: Encourage children to keep nature journals...


Managing Eco Anxiety in Children

Oct 03, 2023

Originally appeared in the August 2023 issue of What's On Magazine

As the world becomes more aware of the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation, a new phenomenon is emerging: eco-anxiety. This term describes the feeling of anxiety, fear, and despair that can arise in response to any environmental crisis. Unfortunately, it's not just adults who are experiencing it - children are also feeling the effects of eco-anxiety.

It's understandable why children might be feeling anxious about the state of the environment. They see images of natural disasters, hear stories about species going extinct, and are told that the planet is in trouble. It's a lot for them to take in, and it can be overwhelming.

So, what can parents, carers, and educators do to help children cope with eco-anxiety?

Listen: Listen to children’s’ concerns. Let them express their feelings, and then validate their emotions. Don't dismiss their worries or tell them that they're overreacting....


Australian Homeschool Grants

Oct 01, 2023

The 2023 round of the Australian Homeschool Grants is now ready to take your application!  I'm one of the many sponsors again this year.


Tablelands Through Time

Oct 01, 2023

This is not a homeschooling post, but if you are a local to the Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, Australia, or you ever visit - here's an educational history tour of this area!  And if you live elsewhere, maybe this article, originally published in What's On Tablelands magazine in April 2022, will give you some ideas for exploring the history of your local area?

The natural and geological history of the Atherton Tablelands and surrounding areas is fascinating! It includes giant trees and ancient forests, craters and crater lakes, lava tubes, gems, and gorges. Between four million and 10,000 years ago, a series of volcanic eruptions occurred over the Atherton Tablelands. Learn more about local volcanic history from the interactive displays at Malanda Falls Visitor Centre, where you can also explore the adjacent rainforest walking trails. Mt Hypipamee Crater, Bromfield Swamp, Lake Eacham, Lake Barrine, and Hallorans Hill, as well as the Seven Sisters and Lake Euramoo, all form...


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